03 June 2019

Memory, Truth & Justice: Educational Outreach Program

"Every words were really related to what I have experienced relating to the documentary" said by one of the student...

17 May 2019

Memory, Truth & Justice: Educational Outreach Program

Screening of Documentary film and testimonial videos of  Victims family members among the students of Paropakar School took place on...

13 May 2019

Memory, Truth & Justice: Educational Outreach Program

"This documentary screening session has definitely educated our kids more than their textbooks." Thakur Shrestha, Social Studies teacher. We screened...

10 May 2019

Memory, Truth & Justice: Educational Outreach Program

|Memory, Truth & Justice | Screening of victims family members Documentary and  testimonial videos  and  on May 10,2019 with the students...

9 May 2019

Memory, Truth & Justice : Educational Outreach Program

| Memory, Truth & Justice: Educational Outreach Program | Documentary Screening and discussion program held on May 9, 2019,with the...

6 May 2019

Memory, Truth & Justice: Education Outreach Program

"We Should help victims to get Justice." said one of the student of Shree Saraswoti Niketan School. Documentaries Screening of...

11 March 2019

Panel Discussion: Memory Matters

Alicia Partnoy, a writer and survivor of Argentina's genocidal war will be joined in discussion with Ram Bhandari, Gita Rasaili...

9-17 March 2019

The Little School

The Little School is a memoir by Alicia Partnoy based on her experiences inside a clandestine detention center during Argentina’s...

19-23 Feb 2019

14 Stories: Living Memories of War

14 stories: Living Memories of War, an exhibition of photo stories of civilians living with conflict related disabilities, begins 19th...

15 - 22 Dec 2018

Serendipity Arts Festival ’18

India's first multidisciplinary arts event 'Serendipity Arts Festival 2018' was held in Goa from December 15 to 22, 2018. VOW...